Community Service at the Jersey Shore
The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant is a family-friendly community service club based at the Jersey Shore. We serve Point Pleasant Boro and Point Pleasant Beach as well as the surrounding areas. Our impacts are felt around the world.
About Kiwanis
Kiwanis is a worldwide community service organization with more than 8,300 clubs across the globe. We are the parent organization to Key Club, which is a community service club for high school students. The Kiwanis family, or K-Family, also includes Aktion clubs (for adults with disabilities), Circle K (for college students), Builder’s Club (for middle school students), and K-Kids (for elementary school students.) These are all community service clubs centered on helping children, and the ones with students are known as “service leadership programs.”
In addition to providing community service, Kiwanians can have a huge role in mentoring young leaders. It’s one of the most rewarding parts of being a member of Kiwanis. Our club sponsors the Key Club at Point Pleasant Boro High School and recently chartered the Kiwanis Kids (K-Kids) of Greater Point Pleasant for kids 6 to 11 years old.
The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant is just one club in the New Jersey District. And there are 30 districts in Kiwanis International, so we can make big impacts worldwide. One of the ways we help others is through the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, which reaches children through grants, scholarship programs and Kiwanis youth programs.
To learn more about Kiwanis, including our international initiatives, visit kiwanis.org.
A Flexible, Family-Friendly Way to Volunteer at the Shore
We realize that most people want to make a difference in our world. That’s why we’ve created a club that lets you fit volunteering, networking, socializing, and leadership development into your busy schedule. We have a General Meeting monthly, open to all, and a mid-month working meeting for paid members. Our meetings are casual and drop-in friendly, with light refreshments. This makes Kiwanis more accessible so more people can volunteer and, in turn, help more people.
This club is open to people of all ages, from anywhere in the area.
We hold some all-ages projects so parents can perform community service alongside their children. This gives you the chance to teach your children about the value in helping others. Children are welcome to attend our morning meetings, and we have an activity for them to participate in while we discuss club business.
Membership Benefits
To become a member of the club, you must pay yearly dues. Dues enable you to access a variety of Kiwanis partnerships, and go to support our many club, district and international initiatives. Dues cost $154 for the year and can be prorated throughout the year depending on when you join. Our Kiwanis year starts Oct. 1. Past members of our service leadership programs are eligible for discounts!
Have questions about dues? Ask our Treasurer!
We’d love to connect with you! Hang out with us on social media, come to a meeting or event, or email us.
To make a donation to the club: