A free community service club for kids 6 to 11
Coming Up
BookSmiles Visit: March 23, 2025
We are meeting at BookSmiles in Pennsauken, NJ, on Sunday March 23 from 1-3 p.m. to help them sort books. GREAT opportunity to learn more about the organization we’ve been supporting that gives children’s books to underserved areas. Spots will be limited to 20 volunteers who are Kiwanis members and K-Kids members. Parents can volunteer, but don’t have to. Sign up here. Wear your hats or your pin!
Allaire Community Farm: Sat. March 29, 2025
11 a.m. in Wall, NJ. wear close-toed shoes, we have gloves. May be weeding or helping at farm in any way they need. (We will peek at some animals, too!) Sign up by Sun. March 23. Wear your hats or your pin!
Clean Ocean Action Cleanup: Sat. April 12, 2025
9 a.m. to 12:30 at Maryland Ave. in Pt. Beach. Each parent and kid must register here with COA and sign up here. (Kiwanis has a meeting that morning up the road starting at 10 a.m.) Wear your hats or your pin!
Pt. Boro Earth Day: Sat. April 26, 2025
Rain date April 27) 12-4 p.m., Riverfront Park: We will meet at 10:15 a.m., then set up our tent for the day. Members, sign up to volunteer in our tent. Wear your hats or your pin!
If you sign up for an event, please sign up to join the club—it’s free!
More Volunteer Opportunities
FAMILIES who want to VOLUNTEER TOGETHER: Sign up to transport books for BookSmiles: More details here!
What’s K-Kids?
K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 23,000 members worldwide. Today, there are more than 985 clubs worldwide. It’s free to join!
The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant chartered the K-Kids of Greater Point Pleasant in 2024. Because the club isn’t affiliated with a single school, we can unite children from the Southern Monmouth/Northern Ocean area. Any child age 6 to 11 is invited to join us. Parents must attend all meetings and events with their children. All Kiwanis adults working with the members are background-checked by Kiwanis International.
Parents/guardians receive emails with all details for events, so it’s easy to participate when it fits your family’s schedule.
Join K-Kids
Register here to officially sign your child up for the club. It’s free! If you apply, please commit to participating as much as you can.
Questions: Email pointkiwanis.kids@gmail.com