Let’s face COVID-19 together.
Volunteer at Home with Us
The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant is dedicated to ensuring that first responders and health workers have essential personal protective equipment (PPE) as they respond to COVID-19. We also want to replenish the supply for local workers.
There are three ways you can help:
1. Get a Face Shield Kit and Make Your Own Shields at Home
Now you can volunteer at home with The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant! Making face shields is a simple and fun way to help local health workers and first responders. The kids can join in, or adults can make them. All you need is a stapler—we provide the rest!
To receive a kit to make 10 faceshields, click here to register. We are requesting a donation of at least $10 to cover the cost of supplies.Once you register and pay, we’ll be in touch via email on when we can drop off your kit in Pt. Boro or Pt. Beach.
May 16, 2020, we will only be delivering kits. You will be responsible for donating completed shields to the outdoor bins at:
Pt. Beach First Aid: 611 Laurel Ave, Pt. Beach (leave in bin outside or at door)
Pt. Boro First Aid: Beaver Dam Rd., Pt. Boro (leave in bin outside or at door)
Interim Healthcare at 2401 Bridge Ave – Suite C2, Pt. Boro (bin outside Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Crest Pointe Rehab at 1515 Hulse Ave., Pt. Boro. (leave in bin outside or at door)
If you do need us to pickup your completed shields and cannot drop them off on your own—no problem. Just contact us for a pickup.
2. Donate Supplies to Kiwanis for Face Shields
Our club will be assembling these long after the outbreak is over to ensure supplies are replenished at area hospitals, clinics and for use by our local first responders. We can always use more supplies!
What We Need
Here are the supplies needed:
Clear material: Preferably 16 to 20 gauge clear vinyl on a roll. Any brand will do. Sample. Sample 2. We can also take clear report protector covers/acetate: More than 4 mil thick is best. Sample. Sample 2. Sample 3. Sample 4 Sample 5. Ideal size that we cut the shield is 12x13.5” but legal size (if you buy plastic sheets) will do too.
Double-sided mounting tape: The stronger the better, many brands make this (you may have it at home!) Sample. Sample 2.
Polyurethane foam: 1” strips or a roll or upholstery foam. Sample. Sample 2. Sample 3.
Braided elastic: At least 3 /8 to 1/2” thick. We can also take scraps of elastic or ribbon (you may have this at home!). Sample.
Large storage bags: These will be used to package up raw materials so volunteers can assemble bags. They will put the finished masks inside of the bags for donation. Sizes can vary, but around 5 gallons and up is ideal—need to have a zipper. You probably have these at home! Sample. Sample 2.
Send any supplies to: Kristen Fischer 3905 Herbertsville Road Pt. Pleasant NJ 08742. Please leave anything in mailbox or on porch—please do not knock!
3. Donate Money for Supplies
To donate money, click here. All proceeds will go direclty to supplies.
How to Make Face Shields
Instructions (PDF file) to make face shields. Please look at diagram in link.
Cut tape. Affix to one side of foam, putting all pieces on the same side. Please note that we only provided 6” of tape per shield in kits that were sent out. Please center three 2” pieces across foam (instead of 10” across foam).
Center the foam on the plastic about 1/2” from edge on the straight side (not the side that’s curved—that goes down below the neck), then adhere. Note: Once you stick the tape to the plastic it’s hard to get off and redo, so make sure the foam is centered!
Line up elastic/tie alongside the foam. Staple twice into the plastic shield only (not the foam). Staple the other side, careful to keep elastic flat so it will be flat alongside the back of the head.
That’s it—move on to the next one!
Why People Need Face Shields
Health care workers and first responders are on the front line of the outbreak. Vets, nursing homes, hospice workers, and others desperately need protection. Many companies are out of supplies, and local offices and services are donating their personal protective equipment (PPE) to hospitals but have none for their own workers. Now local supplies are diminished. We want to make sure they have extra supplies to battle COVID-19, and to replenish their inventory.
Kiwanis International Features Our Face Shield Project
Watch this video of Kiwanis International featuring our project!
Are you a local EMS or health worker to wants to be on our recipient list? Contact us. For any questions, email pointpleasantkiwanis@gmail.com.